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(The Stéphane Poncelet Showroom represents YouYou worldwide)

The brand

In 1803, in Les Sables d'Olonne, on the west coast of France, Mr. YOU opened his clog factory. A few years later Mr. YOU meets a Mrs. YOU, this love story gives birth to the brand YOUYOU.


Against all odds, YOUYOU will remain in the same location for more than 200 years. 


At a time of ecological transition and the development of the vegan movement, it seemed important to me to explain my choice to perpetuate the traditional clog manufacturing process using organic materials such as leather and wood. Leather is the oldest example of recycling on record. All leather hides come from the food industry as a by-product.
No animal is killed for its skin.
I consider that if we don't use the skin, we would throw it away, which would be a waste and a lack of respect for the animal.
Another major advantage of leather is that it lasts a long time, much longer than any synthetic product. More sustainable, it avoids the waste of our resources.

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